Category: Internet
Mobile internet’s 17th birthday
The global mobile internet revolution started with Docomo’s i-Mode on February 22, 1999 i-Mode, Happy Birthday! Today, exactly 17 years ago, on February 22, 1999, NTT-Docomo launched the world’s first mobile internet service, i-Mode, at a press conference attended only by a handful of people. NTT-Docomo created the foundation of the global mobile internet revolution,…
Hiroshi Mikitani about the Japan Association of New Economy (JANE)
Hiroshi Mikitani about how Japan should become more competitive Hiroshi Mikitani: presentation of his new book = Competitiveness Today Hiroshi Mikitani, Founder and Chairman of Rakuten, gave a talk at the Foreign Correspondents Club about his Japan Association of New Economy (JANE) and about his new book authored with his father entitled Competitiveness. Mikitani is…
Cloud computing trends
Keynote article about Cloud computing impact and trends in the RENESAS ELECTRONICS customer magazine and website “Renesas Edge Global Watch” Gerhard Fasol: “Cloud computing impact & trends” (English language)Gerhard Fasol: “Cloud computing impact & trends” (Chinese language)Gerhard Fasol: “Cloud computing impact & trends” – 世界のクラウド・コンピューティング事情(1):クラウド・コンピューティングとは? (Japanese language) Copyright 2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved
Overview of Japan’s Data Center Landscape (opening keynote)
“Overview of Japan’s Data Center Landscape” (Opening keynote)Speaker: Gerhard FasolMay 22, 20139:15-9:45Tokyo Convention Hall, Great Hall on 5th Floor, TOKYO SQUARE GARDEN, 3-1-1 Kyobashi, Chuo-ku, TokyoData Center Summit TokyoData Center Summit Tokyo (Japanese text only)
Yahoo Japan – Yahoo! Complication
There are two YAHOO!s – YAHOO! Inc and YAHOO! KK. (ヤフー株式会社) Yahoo! KK, ヤフー株式会社 is a Japanese corporation listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange Yahoo! KK (ヤフー株式会社) is not a full/100% subsidiary of Yahoo Inc, but Yahoo! KK is a publicly traded company, listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Ownership of Yahoo! KK (ヤフー株式会社) 35.45%…
Yahoo!-keitai replaces Vodafone-Live!
SoftBank replaced Vodafone-Live! by Yahoo!-Keitai. SoftBank phones have a “Y!”-button which links to Yahoo!-keitai. Yahoo-Keitai! offers a list of official sites, new services (e.g. a new communicator service), and also access to free mobile internet sites through the YAHOO directory, as well as access to YAHOO services, such as YAHOO-auctions. YAHOO!-keitai is a fresh start…
ACCESS CEO Toru Arakawa (Oct. 6, 2006)
Toru Arakawa, CEO and Founder of ACCESS, gave a keynote speech at this years CEATEC show in Makuhari on October 6, 2006, outlining ACCESS strategies. ACCESS is the maker of NetFront browsers and other software at the core of DoCoMo’s i-mode. ACCESS acquired PalmSource and is developing the Access Linux Platform (ALP) based on the…
YAHOO and Google’s mobile strategies
Japan is a couple of years ahead of Europe and US in mobile communications by most measures What are GOOGLE and YAHOO doing in Japan’s mobile sector? GOOGLE started mobile operations in Japan by partnering with KDDI (Japan’s No. 2 mobile operator with about 25 million mobile subscribers) to develop mobile search. YAHOO-Japan made a…
About Tokyo Stock Exchange Turbulence on CNBC and RedHerring
Wednesday January 18, 2006 I was interviewed live on CNBC’s “Worldwide Exchange” news program about the turbulence on the Tokyo Stock Exchange following lower than expected quarterly earning reports by Intel, Yahoo and IBM, and a sell-off of Livedoor shares. Here is a summary of what I said in the interview: Overall I am very…
Cisco-VP: "In the future Internet business models will come from Japan"
In today’s Wallstreet Journal (Dec 7, 2004), Mike Volpi, Senior VP of CISCO’s routing technology group, is quoted as saying: “In the past the internet business models, technologies and applications were all coming from the US, but today, through broadband, Japan is about to become the number one country in the area of Internet. In…
Cable & Wireless Japan acquired by Softbank???!!
Cable & Wireless Japan staged what it said was one of the first “hostile” takeovers in Japan, but then proved to be unable to manage the company they had acquired by Gerhard Fasol On October 26, 2004, Softbank announced the acquisition of Cable & Wireless IDC for YEN 12.3 billion (= US$ 110 million) Cable…
Wireless TeleMedicine – Technology Trends (presentation at the Zurich Stock Exchange)
Presentation by Gerhard Fasol at First Tuesday Zurich (5 May 2004, 15:15 – 21:30, Swiss Stock Exchange, Zurich, Switzerland) Copyright·©1997-2013 ·Eurotechnology Japan KK·All Rights Reserved·
M-Commerce in Japan
Presentation given by Gerhard Fasol, to the Asia/Pacific – Midwest Business ConferencePanel Presentation “E-commerce in Asia”, on Wednesday April 10, 2002, 8:00-9:30am, organized by the US Department of Commerce and the Illinois District Export Council. Copyright (c) 1997-2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved