25 Top Grossing iPhone Apps of June 6, 2015 (All Categories)

- No. 1 Monster strike (by Mixi)
- No. 2 Puzzle & Dragons by GungHo
- No. 3 FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper by DeNA
- No. 4 LINE by LINE Corporation
- No. 5「実況パワフルプロ野球」”Actual powerful pro base ball” by KONAMI
- No. 6「LINE: ディズニーツムツム」LINE Disney tsumu tsumu (by LINE Corporation & Disney)
- No. 7「チェインクロニクル・本格シナリオRPG/エヒクロ」”Chain chronicle original scenario RPG / Chaincro” by SEGA Corporation
- No. 8「白猫プロジェクト」”White Cat project” by COLOPL Inc.
- No. 9 Love life! School Idol Festival by KLab Inc.
- No. 10 MOBIUS FINAL FANTASY by Square Enix Inc.
- No. 11 「剣と魔法のログレスいにしえの女神・人気の本格オンラインRPG」Sword and sorcery. Logres of Swords and Sorcery – original popular online RPG by Marvelous Inc.
- No. 12 Clash of Clans by Supercell. Supercell is now valued at US$ 5.3 billion and 73.2% owned by SoftBank.
- No. 13 LINE PokoPoko by LINE Corporation
- No. 14 「クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ」”Quiz RPG magic using black cat whiz” by COLOPL Inc.
- No. 15 「戦国炎舞 ‐KIZNA‐ 【人気の本格戦国RPG】」Sengoku Enbu – KIZNA – (popular true waring states RPG) by Sumzap Inc (株式会社サムザップ) (Sumzap Inc. is a 100% owned subsidiary of CyberAgent Corporation).
- No. 16 Dragon poker by Asobism Co Ltd
- No. 17 「グランブルーファンタジー】」Grandblue Fantasy by Cygames Inc. (Cygames is a joint-venture company between CyberAgent (74.04%) and DeNA (24.03%), originally founded in May 2011 as a subsidiary of CyberAgent Corporation)
- No. 18 Dragon Quest Monsters Superlight (by Square Enix)
- No. 19 OnePiece Treasure Cruise (by Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc)
- No. 20 Game of War – Fire Age by Machine Zone Inc. (a Palo Alto based game venture company)
- No. 21 Summoners War by Com2uS Corporation (a South Korean game developer company)
- No. 22 Tsuri Suta (Tsuri = Angling) (by GREE)
- No. 23 LINE Manga – free popular manga, daily renewed content by LINE Corporation
- No. 24 Hunter x Hunter Battle Allstars (by NamcoBandai Games Inc)
- No. 25 Puyo puyo!! Quest (by Sega Corporation)
Japan game market report (398 pages, pdf-file)

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