Tag: android

  • Japan top grossing smartphone apps

    Japan top grossing smartphone apps

    5 top listed smartphone app companies have combined market cap of US$ 14 billion (excluding LINE)

    LINE is currently a private company and LINE’s company value is generally estimated in the US$ 10-15 billion range, so if we include LINE, the combined market value of Japan’s top 5 smartphone game companies is on the order of US$ 24 – 29 billion.

    Top grossing apps in Japan’s iPhone and Google Play/Android app stores on June 6, 2015

    Japan’s smartphone app market is the world’s largest in terms of cash revenues according to AppAnnie. Lets analyze which apps are at the top-grossing in the world’s largest app market.

    Japan game market report (398 pages, pdf-file)

    iPhone app store top grossing ranking (June 6, 2015)

    1. Monster Strike by MIXI
    2. Puzzle & Dragons by GungHo
    3. Final Fantasy Record Keeper by DeNA
    4. LINE by LINE Corporation
    5. Actual powerful pro baseball by KONAMI
    6. all 25 top-grossing iPhone apps on June 6, 2015

    Google Play Android app store top grossing ranking (June 6, 2015)

    1. Monster Strike by Mixi
    2. Puzzle & Dragons by GungHo
    3. LINE Disney tsumu tsumu by LINE Corporation and Walt Disney Corporation
    4. White Cat Project by Colopl Inc.
    5. Sword and sorcery. Logres of Swords and Sorcery – original popular online RPG by Marvelous Inc.
    6. all 25 top-grossing Google-Play store Android apps on June 6, 2015

    Market capitalization of the companies involved:

    • Mixi: YEN 443 billion (US$ 3.5 billion)
    • GungHo: YEN 580 billion (US$ 4.6 billion)
    • LINE: unlisted
    • Konami: YEN 324 billion (US$ 2.6 billion)
    • Colopl: YEN 312 billion (US$ 2.5 billion)
    • Marvelous: YEN 86.8 billion (US$ 0.7 billion)

    Analyzing the market capitalization of these companies, it is obvious that a large part – or all – of the value is in the smartphone games.

    As an example, Mixi’s core business was the mixi Social Network, which lost weight with the success of Facebook in Japan, until the breakthrough success of its Monster Strike game during FY2014.

    How are foreign companies doing in Japan’s smartphone app market?

    Disney achieved consistently high rankings in cooperation with LINE for the tsumu-tsumu game.

    Next highest ranking foreign game is the Finland based, 73.2% SoftBank owned, Clash of Clans by Supercell on rank 12.

    Japan game market report (398 pages, pdf-file)

    Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Japan Google Play top grossing Android apps

    Japan Google Play top grossing Android apps

    25 Japan Google Play top grossing Android Apps of June 6, 2015 (All Categories)

    Japan game market report (398 pages, pdf-file)

    1. No. 1 Monster strike (by Mixi)
    2. No. 2 Puzzle & Dragons by GungHo
    3. No. 3「LINE: ディズニーツムツム」LINE Disney tsumu tsumu (by LINE Corporation & Disney)
    4. No. 4「白猫プロジェクト」”White Cat project” by COLOPL Inc.
    5. No. 5 「剣と魔法のログレスいにしえの女神・人気の本格オンラインRPG」Sword and sorcery. Logres of Swords and Sorcery – original popular online RPG by Marvelous Inc.
    6. No. 6 「クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ」”Quiz RPG magic using black cat whiz” by COLOPL Inc.
    7. No. 7 「グランブルーファンタジー】」Grandblue Fantasy by Cygames Inc. (Cygames is a joint-venture company between CyberAgent (74.04%) and DeNA (24.03%), originally founded in May 2011 as a subsidiary of CyberAgent Corporation)
    8. No. 8 LINE PokoPoko by LINE Corporation
    9. No. 9 LINE by LINE Corporation
    10. No. 10 FINAL FANTASY Record Keeper by DeNA
    11. No. 11「実況パワフルプロ野球」”Actual powerful pro base ball” by KONAMI
    12. No. 12 Clash of Clans by Supercell. Supercell is now valued at US$ 5.3 billion and 73.2% owned by SoftBank.
    13. No. 13「ファントム オブ キル」”Phantom of the Kill” by gumi Inc.
    14. No. 14 Love life! School Idol Festival by KLab Inc.
    15. No. 15 OnePiece Treasure Cruise (by Bandai Namco Entertainment Inc)
    16. No. 16 LINE POP2 by LINE Corporation
    17. No. 17「スクールガールズストライカーズ」”Schoolgirl strikers” by Square Enix Ltd.
    18. No. 18 Dragon poker by Asobism Co Ltd
    19. No. 19 Dragon Quest Monsters Superlight (by Square Enix)
    20. No. 20 「戦国炎舞 ‐KIZNA‐ 【人気の本格戦国RPG】」Sengoku Enbu – KIZNA – (popular true waring states RPG) by Sumzap Inc (株式会社サムザップ) (Sumzap Inc. is a 100% owned subsidiary of CyberAgent Corporation).
    21. No. 21 LINE Rangers by LINE Corporation
    22. No. 22 Summoners War by Com2uS Corporation (a South Korean game developer company)
    23. No. 23 「ブレイブフロンティア 【無料本格RPG-ブレフロ】」 Brave Frontier by Alim Co Ltd
    24. No. 24 「消滅都市」  Extinction capital – Everything in its right place. By Wright Flyer Studios Inc.
    25. No. 25 「ユニゾンリーグ◆-ユニフレと冒険-人気本格オンラインRPG」Unison League – (popular original RPG) by Ateam Inc.

    Japan game market report

    (398 pages, pdf-file)

    Copyright (c) 2015-2019 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Nintendo smartphone pivot?!

    Nintendo partners with DeNA

    Taking Nintendo intellectual property and characters to smartphones

    Nintendo was founded on September 23, 1889 by Fujasiro Yamauchi in Kyoto for the production of handmade “hanafuda” cards. Nintendo Headquarters are still located in Kyoto (you can see the Nintendo headquarters building from the Kyoto railway station).

    The Chinese characters used to write Nintendo’s original Japanese company name in Japanese mean something like “leave the responsibility to heaven or to god”.

    Nintendo has been through many pivots during its more than 100 years history, and Nintendo can afford to take its time to do things right, and it did when smartphones started disrupting industry sector after industry sector, and did not stop disrupting the games industry.

    Nintendo has a home advantage – the epicenter of the global games industry is in Japan, and not surprisingly, Japan is by far the world’s No. 1 biggest smartphone games market by cash income (other markets are bigger in terms of free downloads, but Japan is No. 1 globally in terms of cash revenues). So Japanese game companies have a big home advantage.

    The No. 1 company ranked by gross revenues of the combined total iPhone + Android app market is also a Japanese company.

    Yesterday, March 18, 2015, Nintendo announced to join forces with DeNA to jointly develop smartphone games including subscription based game services as a platform to leverage Nintendo’s iconic intellectual properties and characters.

    Do you understand the big picture of Japan’s games industries, which drive the global game market? Make sure you do – and read our report:

    Copyright 2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Google Play Japan – top grossing Android Apps ranking

    Google Play Japan – top grossing Android Apps ranking

    Android smart phone apps ranking in Japan by gross revenues (Feb. 18, 2015)

    Japan game market report (398 pages, pdf-file)

    AppAnnie showed that in terms of combined iOS AppStore + Google Play revenues, Japan is No. 1 globally, spending more than the USA. Therefore Japan is naturally the No. 1 target globally for many mobile game companies!


    Android Google Play – Japan “Top Grossing” apps ranking of February 18, 2015:

    Note that the Android/Google Play ranking shown here is very similar to the iOS top grossing ranking.

    • No. 1 Puzzle & Dragons by GungHo
    • No. 2 Monster strike (by Mixi)
    • No. 3 白猫プロジェクト (= white cat project) (by Colopl Inc.)
    • No. 4 クイズRPG 魔法使いと黒猫のウィズ (= Quiz RPG (role playing game) The World of Mystic Wiz, the which and the black cat wiz) (by Colopl Inc.)
    • No. 5 LINE Disney tsumu tsumu (by LINE Corporation) (ツムツム = Tsum Tsum)
    • No. 6 LINE PokoPoko (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 7 Dragon Quest Monsters Superlight (by Square Enix)
    • No. 8 LINE (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 9 Final Fantasy Record Keeper (by DeNA Ltd)
    • No. 10 LINE Rangers (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 11 Love life! School Idol Festival (by KLab Inc.)
    • No. 12 Logres of Swords and Sorcery – popular online RPG (by Marvelous Inc.)
    • No. 13 Runaway lives motorcycle Tiger (by Donuts Co Ltd)
    • No. 14 Clash of Clans (by Supercell)
    • No. 15 Chain chronicle – real scenario RPG (ChainChro = チェンクロ) (by SEGA Corporation)
    • No. 16 Actual powerful pro-baseball (実況パワフルプロ野球) (by KONAMI)
    • No. 17 Schoolgirl strikers (by Square Enix)
    • No. 18 Puyo puyo!! Quest (by Sega Corporation)
    • No. 19 LINE POP2 (by LINE Corporation)
    • No. 20 Granblue Fantasy (by Cygames Inc)
    • No. 21 Drift Spirits (by Bandai Namco Games Inc)
    • No. 22 Pro baseball Pride 2014 (by Colopl Inc.)
    • No. 23 Sengoku Enbu – KIZNA – (by Sumzap Inc)
    • No. 24 Dragon poker (by Asobism Co Ltd)
    • No. 25 Gandam Conquest (by Bandai Namco Games Inc)

    Japan’s iconic game companies created many game categories – this tradition carries over to mobile gaming now.

    Japan game market report (398 pages, pdf-file)

    Copyright 2015 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Apple-Samsung Patent War and Impact on Japans Industries (talk at Foreign Correspondents Club Tokyo on Oct 2, 2012)


    • “Apple-Samsung Patent War and Impact on Japans Industries”
    • Speaker: Gerhard Fasol
    • Tuesday, October 2, 2012
    • 12:00-13:30
    • Foreign Correspondents Club Japan (FCCJ), Yurakucho

    Outline: In a global war to dominate the smartphone market, Samsung and Apple have been at each other’s throats, playing out the war in courts around the world and accusing each other of patent violations. A California court recently ruled in favour of Apple and ordered Samsung to pay $1 billion, a figure that could rise dramatically when the case is played out. Samsung has won minor battles in the U.K., Japan and Australia, but with new mobile phone models and tablets being introduced by both firms, the war is only going to get bigger and bloodier. In Japan local manufacturers are being marginalized and even fighting for survival.

    Japan-based expert Gerhard Fasol will return to the FCCJ (for “FCCJ: Fasol & Matsumoto, The iPhone And Japan’s Mobile Phone Industry”, report of Fasol’s talk with Softbank Mobile CTO Tetsuzo Matsumoto at the first iPhone landing in Japan) to shed light on the Apple-Samsung dispute and how it impacts the Japan market, Japan operators and Japan manufacturers.

    Gerhard Fasol runs Japan’s Eurotechnology K.K. consultancy (www.eurotechnology.com), has advised the president of Germany, JETRO and number of Japanese companies involved in high-tech industries and has authored Japanese patent applications. Fasol, who has written a number of books, graduated with a PhD in Physics from Cambridge University and was a tenured professor at Cambridge’s Cavendish Laboratory, a research scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Solid States Sciences in Germany, a manager of one of Hitachi’s R&D labs and was Director of Studies at Trinity College, Cambridge.

    Read our report on Japan’s Telecom landscape

    Copyright 2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

  • Paradigm change of the global mobile phone business and opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers

    Presentation at the CEATEC Conference, talk NT-13, Meeting Room 302, International Conference Hall, Makuhari Messe, Friday October 3, 2008, 11:00-12:00.

    See the announcement here [in English] and in Japanese [世界の携帯電話市場のパラダイム変更と日本の携帯電話メーカーのチャンス]

    The emergence of iPhone, Android, open-sourcing of Symbian, and the growth of mobile data services are changing the paradigm of the global mobile phone business opening new opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers. Japan’s mobile phone handset makers have missed most opportunities during the first wave of mobile phone opportunities. The developing paradigm change opens new opportunities for Japanese makers. The talk will explain the paradigm shifts and trends of the global mobile phone handset market, and resulting opportunities for Japanese mobile phone makers, and will indicate how these opportunities can actually be realized.

    Copyright 2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved