Japan market research reports


You need to understand Japan’s markets?

Purchase and download our Japan market reports (pdf files for immediate download):

  1. Japan’s energy sector
  2. Japan’s renewable energy sector
  3. Solid state lighting
  4. Japan’s telecommunications sector (JCOMM)
  5. Mobile payments in Japan
  6. docomo
  7. SoftBank
  8. KDDI
  9. eAccess, eMobile, Y!Mobile
  10. Japan’s electronics industries – mono zukuri
  11. Mobile TV (1-seg) in Japan
  12. SUICA and Japan’s e-money and NFC tickets
  13. QR code for mobile phones and 105 applications
  14. Japan’s games industries
  15. Japan’s media industries

Since 1997 we work in Japan’s high-tech markets, building businesses, working on market entry, acquisitions and investments. We help the financial industry understand technology inflections, and we have helped some of the largest global brands enter and expand in Japan.

For many years, some of the largest global corporations, small and mid-sized companies, venture start-ups and venture capital investors, students and Universities are purchasing our market research reports. About 10 foreign Embassies in Tokyo continuously purchase our market research, most are long-term repeat customers.

Since 1997, our company has worked on 100s of market research and analysis projects. Recent market research projects include Japan’s mobile phone base station market, specialized electronic components, cloud based customer relationship management software services.

We also produce a series of multi-client market research reports which we sell online here as pdf-files. Major corporations (telecom operators, handset makers, IC-makers, software companies, investment banks and investment funds), Universities, and Government agencies from all over the world purchase Eurotechnology market reports, including also about 10 foreign Embassies in Tokyo.

Other ways to download our reports:

Our market research reports can be purchased from our online store by clicking the links to the reports, or:

  • from our online store on this page
  • direct from us with payment by bank transfer. Contact us for details


We produce market research on Japan’s technology markets since 1996. We use the following methods:

  • Desk research: public domain data, internet resources
  • Official data from Government sources, Government white papers, public domain Government data bases, industry associations, and other trade organizations
  • Data from Annual reports and other public disclosures by companies
  • “Gray literature”: materials distributed at trade shows, conferences, workshops
  • Public presentations, lectures, keynote talks, Press conferences
  • Trade shows and events. We regularly visit a large number of trade shows and industry events, mainly in the Tokyo, Osaka areas, but also in US and Europe.
  • Interviews, discussions at trade shows, and other industry events
  • Cross checking and cross validation of data from different sources.
  • Analysis using sophisticated, research grade mathematical and statistical software, and proprietary analysis software developed by Eurotechnology Japan KK.
  • Our proprietary data base of industry data, photographs, and information collected since our company foundation in 1996/1997 mainly covering Japan’s electronics, telecommunications and energy industries.
  • Our research and analysis staff is mainly PhD level and highly trained and experienced.

Archived reports for online purchase and immediate download

Archived reports and reports for prior art research, and other historic research

We have been documenting aspects of Japan’s technology sector since about 1984, and have been preparing regular technology market research reports since approx. 1997, including the origin of Japan’s mobile internet, and telecommunications sector.

We have assisted Attorneys and lawyers from US, Europe and Japan as experts, and are ready to help.

Contact us

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