Nintendo’s CEO Satoru Iwata and Games Developer Superstar Shigeru Miyamoto

Nintendo’s CEO Satoru Iwata and games developer superstar Shigeru Miyamoto presented in Tokyo on April 9, 2009 about Nintendo’s situation and future plans.

Iwata emphasized plans to move from one DS per household to one DS per person, by personalizing the DS, and by seeing that DS enriches everyday life. As examples he mentioned applications in hospitals and schools (which provoked a question from the audience what he plans to do about children who’s parents cannot afford to purchase a DS for their children), and in museums, where explanations on exhibits are given via the DS.

Nintendo plans a “My DS” experience, by including two cameras in the new DSi, and with online downloads of small non-cartridge games and other applications from a new online store to enrich owners’ daily lives.

Asked about Nintendo’s plans for the recession, Iwata answered, that key is to keep Nintendo’s products at the top of consumers’ wish lists.

Read more about this presentation and analysis of Nintendo and Japan’s games sector in our J-GAMES report.

Asked how Iwata plans to respond to the success of mobile phones, iMode and Appli games, and whether Nintendo plans to create own mobile phones or add phone functions to DS, Iwata explained his thinking under which conditions he would consider entering the mobile phone space.

Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata and Chief Producer Shigeru Miyamoto
Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata and Chief Producer Shigeru Miyamoto
Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata speaks with passion
Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata speaks with passion

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