Today’s APPLE 4th quarter results vs NINTENDO

Operating margins: Apple vs Nintendo

A few hours ago (Oct 22, 2008, 6am Tokyo Time) APPLE announced 4th Quarter and Full Year results – we are here updating our comparison between APPLE and NINTENDO. With 6.9 million iPhones sold in APPLE’s 4th Quarter (July + August + September 2008), APPLE has achieved 2.76% market share of all mobile phones globally.

APPLE strongly accelerates lead over NINTENDO in term of sales (see figure below) – even more dramatically, if we take into account that the iPhone in 4th Quarter now accounts for 39% of APPLE’s sales. APPLE accounts for iPhone sales in terms of a subscription model over two years because of free software updates for iPhones. If we would use APPLE’s non-GAAP figures, which book iPhone sales fully at the point of sale, then APPLE’s sales lead over NINTENDO would be even stronger.

In terms of margins we see the opposite trend: NINTENDO‘s lead over APPLE in terms of higher margins expands (see below).

Watch our interview about APPLE’s 4Q results today 11:50am (Tokyo time) on CNBC as a video clip.

Apple accelerated lead over Nintendo in terms of revenues.

Apple’s lead would be more dramatic if correcting for Apple’s subscription model used for iPhone sales according to GAAP rules.

Annual revenues, operating income and net income of Apple vs Nintendo
Annual revenues, operating income and net income of Apple vs Nintendo

While Apple’s lead over Nintendo in terms of sales is growing, Nintendo’s lead in terms of operating margins is expanding.

Operating margins: Apple vs Nintendo
Operating margins: Apple vs Nintendo

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