Mobile marketing with QR-code

Customized QR code using in-built redundancy to display color and embedded graphics

QR codes (QR = “quick response”) have a lot more capacity than conventional bar codes:

Capacity of typical QR code for mobile phone applications compared to traditional linear bar code
Capacity of typical QR code for mobile phone applications compared to traditional linear bar code

Marketing i-Pod-nano with QR-code: QR-code takes you directly to the mobile Apple store to buy your i-Pod-nano here and now on the road (read a detailed description of the Apple i-Pod QR-code campaign in our QR-Code report):

iPod-nano QR code campaign in Tokyo/Shibuya in November 2005
iPod-nano QR code campaign in Tokyo/Shibuya in November 2005
NorthWest Airlines QR code campaign in Tokyo Shinjuku station
NorthWest Airlines QR code campaign in Tokyo Shinjuku station

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