Category: other

  • Growing your business in Japan (video conference)

    Growing your business in Japan (video conference)

    Despite being the world’s third largest market, many businesses struggle to break into Japan. The “Growing your Business in Japan” free webinar, organized by the SCI’s Science and Enterprise Group and powered by LabLinks, will provide valuable insights into the challenges of growing a chemistry-facing business in the Japanese market, and how they can be overcome. 
     The host, Dr Alan Steven – Chief Scientist at CatSci Ltd and Co-founder of LabLinks, will be joined by: 

    Featuring speakers with pharma, intellectual property and entrepreneurship backgrounds, this webinar is a great opportunity to learn about the potential strategic pitfalls when entering the Japanese market and how Japanese culture can affect how a business performs in Japan.
    The free webinar will be held on Tuesday 31st January 2023 at 09:00 – 11:00 GMT

    Do not miss the opportunity to meet the speakers, network, participate in open discussions, and gain first hand knowledge on how to successfully enter the Japanese market. 

    You can access the programme here

    Growing your business in Japan (video conference) 31 January 2023
    Growing your business in Japan (video conference) 31 January 2023

    • Coffee with the Foreign Minister of Austria in Tokyo

      Coffee with the Foreign Minister of Austria in Tokyo

      Was invited to coffee with the Foreign Minister of Austria, Mr Michael Spindelegger, at the Embassy in Tokyo. Minister Spindelegger is in Tokyo for celebrating 140 years of Austria-Japan diplomatic relations, and he gave a short presentation.

      Another reason for the Minister’s visit to Japan is that both Japan and Austria are non-permanent members of the United Nations UN Security Council for the two year period from January 1, 2009 to December 31, 2010.

      Austria's Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger
      Austria’s Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger

      Copyright (c) 2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

    • 50 years EU celebration in Tokyo

      50 years EU celebration in Tokyo

      Today was the 50th anniversary of the treaty of Rome which was at the beginning of the European Union. In Tokyo we had a big party at the top of Roppongi Hills – 52nd floor. Here are some pictures…

      50 years EU celebration in Tokyo
      50 years EU celebration in Tokyo
      50 years EU celebration in Tokyo
      50 years EU celebration in Tokyo
      50 years EU celebration in Tokyo
      50 years EU celebration in Tokyo

      Copyright (c) 2013 Eurotechnology Japan KK All Rights Reserved

    • i-Tunes stores and mobile music

      i-Tunes stores and mobile music

      Japanese consumers clearly express their preference:
      99.8% of music downloads are to mobile phones, and 0.2% of music downloads are to PCs and portable MP3 players.

      Clearly Japan’s internet music services did not offer what consumers want: internet music downloads to PCs and portable MP3 players recently dropped from

      KDDI is doing pretty well with music downloads - even compared on a global scale with i-Tunes
      KDDI is doing pretty well with music downloads – even compared on a global scale with i-Tunes

    • Prepaid mobile phones in Japan…

      Prepaid mobile phones are a huge business in Europe.

      In Japan prepaid mobile phone numbers are tiny, and NTT’s new CEO just announced that NTT-DoCoMo is planning to stop offering prepaid mobile phones altogether.

      Find detailed statistics and market shares per operator for Japan’s prepaid market in our report on Japan’s telecommunications sector.

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