Mobile 2.0 at the Korean Communications Conference, Seoul, June 18, 2009

Korean Communications Conference KCC 2009

Chairing and keynoting Track 3-3 “Mobile 2.0” at the Korean Communications Conference in Seoul on Thursday June 18, 2009 at the COEX Conference Center.

What will Mobile 2.0 be and how do we get there?

Korea and Japan can be like a time-machine: if we look at Korea and Japan today, we can get a good idea of how Mobile 2.0 could evolve in Europe and US and other advanced markets 5-8 years down the road. Is this a perfect time-machine? No. i-Mode and Japan’s mobile phones never made it onto the world stage, but Korean mobile phones did.
This keynote will set the stage for the Mobile 2.0 panel discussion. I will introduce some of the most outstanding new services which have cultural and society impact: mobile social networks, and literature created on mobile phones for mobile phones, as well as mobile payments, which have the potential to replace money as we know it.
Will Korea, Japan, China and the rest of the world arrive at the same Mobile 2.0 and what will the timing be?
Which are the critical issues? We identify four critical issues for the rapid development of Mobile 2.0, and will discuss these issues with the following panel:

  1. Platforms
  2. Business models
  3. Globalization
  4. Standardization vs risk taking and entrepreneurial initiative
front row: Ms Kyung-Ja Lee, PhD (Commissioner of the Korean Communications Commission),
Back row (left to right): Kyung Hee Song (Director Radio Planning Division of Central Radio Management Office), Emilian Calemzuk (President FOX TV Studios), Jonathan Levy (Dpty Chief Economist, FCC), Gerhard Fasol (Eurotechnology Japan KK), Kate Bulkley (Journalist), Carlson Chu (Sr VP PCCW Ltd, Hong Kong)
front row: Ms Kyung-Ja Lee, PhD (Commissioner of the Korean Communications Commission), Back row (left to right): Kyung Hee Song (Director Radio Planning Division of Central Radio Management Office), Emilian Calemzuk (President FOX TV Studios), Jonathan Levy (Dpty Chief Economist, FCC), Gerhard Fasol (Eurotechnology Japan KK), Kate Bulkley (Journalist), Carlson Chu (Sr VP PCCW Ltd, Hong Kong)

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