The Mobile Data Association (MDA) announced in a press release on November 25th, 2005 under the headline “Text messaging soars during October” that SMS sent in the UK during October 2005 “have soared … to a staggering … 93.5 million SMS/day”. Read below to find out that Japan’s numbers are at least three times more staggering.
The Figures below show that Japan’s figures are about three times higher – implying that SMS in Europe is impressive, but still has a lot of room to grow further taking Japan as a measure:
Data sources:
Data for UK are official data published by the Mobile Data Association (MDA) on their website, data for Germany are taken from the “Netsize Guide 2005 Edition – The Mobile is Open for Business” (ISBN 2-9523533-0-1), subscriber numbers for Japan are official data communicated by Japan’s mobile operators to the telecom industry association, and the number of email data for Japan are official data from Japan’s mobile operators. The data have been extrapolated using scientific/mathematical methods to render smooth curves. Solid data are obtained from official data, shaded curves are extrapolations by Eurotechnology Japan KK.
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