Tag: trade surplus

  • EU Japan trade totals about EURO 160 billion/year and is expected to increase with the future Economic Partnership Agreement

    EU Japan trade totals about EURO 160 billion/year and is expected to increase with the future Economic Partnership Agreement

    EU Japan trade adds up to about EURO 160 billion/year if both directions are added up

    Combining the amounts of trade for merchandise and commercial services, EU exports to Japan and Japanese exports to EU have reached equal levels, so that the trade between EU and Japan is now balanced around EURO 80 billion in each direction, i.e. a combined trade of EURO 160 billion.

    EU Japan trade: EU is traditionally stronger in the export of commercial services while Japan is stronger in the export of manufactured goods

    Japan is traditionally stronger in the export of manufactured goods, while EU is stronger in the export of commercial services. Combining both merchandise and services, the trade between EU and Japan is now balanced.

    EU Japan trade: the trade deficit is balanced out now

    There used to be a trade deficit and trade friction: Japan used to export much more to Europe, than Europe exported to Japan. Recently, Europe has increased exports to Japan considerably, and the trade is now balanced in both directions.

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