market research report on Japan’s renewable energy sector
Japan’s hydropower, solar, wind, geo-thermal, biomass electricity markets
Version 9 of July 8, 2014
pdf-file, approx. 219 pages, 102 Figures, 33 tables, 1.9 Mbyte
Lead author: Gerhard Fasol, works since 1984 with Japan’s high-tech industries.
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Interview in The Economist by the lead author of this report:

This report reviews renewable electrical power in Japan: Renewable power – except for hydropower – in Japan is substantially lower than in most other advanced countries. However, Japan’s potential for renewable energy is very high, especially wind and geo-thermal power. Necessary liberalization of Japan’s electricity markets is in preparation, and we will see a rapid development of renewable energy. Currently, Japan is one of the world’s most active solar energy markets. The current edition is updated to include approvals under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) program up and including data up to May 2013 (which were released in August 2013)
Table of Contents – Renewable Energy Japan market research report:
- Renewable energy in Japan
- Executive Summary: Renewable energy Japan
- Japan’s renewable energy situation, table and overview
- Japan’s national energy strategy plan: “Innovative Energy and Environmental Strategy” released by Japan’s Cabinet on September 14, 2012
- 2. Implementing the green energy revolution
- 2.1 Reduce electricity/energy consumption, targets and reduction targets
- 2.2 Renewable energy: large scale introduction, renewable energy targets (image)
- 3. Guaranteeing a stable energy supply
- Electricity cogeneration development
- 4. Electrical power system reform
- 5. Realization of global warming counter measures
- Cabinet decision of Sept 19, 2012
- Japan’s primary energy supply and self-sufficiency
- Primary energy statistics, including renewable statistics
- Electricity generation – installed capacity:
- generation capacity, including scenario for introduction of renewable energy until 2030 electricity generated
- Japan’s renewable electricity generation capacity, in GigaWatt, and as percentage of total generation capacity
- effect of the Fukushima disaster
- Government scenario for renewable energy: generated power to 2030
- Japan’s generated power: renewable power in TeraWatt hour/year (1970 – 2011)
- Renewable electric power as a percentage of total generated power (1970-2011), and projections to 2030
- Renewable electric power: including wind, solar, geothermal, and biomass data for Jan 2007 – May 2013, monthly data, in TeraWatt hour/month and as percentage of total
- Japan’s present electrical architecture
- The 10 regional electrical power companies and J-Power
- Generation capacity by type (water, fossil, nuclear, new energy etc)
- New renewable energy (non-hydro) for each of 10 regional electricity operators
- J-Power
- The grid
- The 50Hz/60Hz issue
- JEPX – Japan Electrical Power Exchange Tokyo
- Impact of the Fukushima disaster
- Renewable energy
- Feed-in Tariffs (FIT) for renewable energy
- Legal basis and background for feed-in tariffs (FIT)
- Feed-in tariffs for July 1, 2012 – May 31, 2013
- Feed-in tariffs for April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014
- Application statistics under the FIT program for wind, solar, geo-thermal and bio-mass – latest data released in August 2013
- Applications approved for July 2012 – May 2013 and compared to pre-July 2012 renewable power
- Power plants connected to the grid and put online for July 2012 – May 2013 and compared to pre-July 2012 renewable power
- Water power:
- Water power development history in Japan
- water power capacity in Japan: developed, in construction, undeveloped
- Total potential, number of sites, power generation capacity, generation capacity per site, maxium annual generation
- water power generation statistics since 1970, annually
- water power generation statistics since 2006, monthly
- project approvals and statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- plants connected to the grid and put online statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- Geo-Thermal energy
- Electricity generation capacity: developed vs undeveloped
- Types of geo-thermal sites: in nature parks, special protection areas, outside nature parks
- Global comparison of geo-thermal generation potential and installed capacity, ratio of development
- Japan’s geo-thermal power plants
- Installed geo-thermal capacity: 1970 – 2011
- Generated electricity from geo-thermal sources
- project approvals and statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- plants connected to grid and put online statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- Solar Energy
- solar irradiation map
- installed solar capacity before July 1, 2012
- approved solar capacity from introduction of feed-tariffes in July 2012
- solar electricity generation: absolute, and as percentage of total electricity generation: 2006 – January 2013
- mega solar plants installed and planned
- solar system costs 1990-2008
- solar panel shipment statistics
- Mega-solar energy companies
- project approvals and statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- plants connected to the grid and put online statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- Wind power
- installed wind-power capacitiy, comparing different countries
- wind power capacity installed in Japan: 2002 – 2013
- wind power pre-July 2012, and approved wind projects under the feed-in tariff program monthly July 2012 – May 2013
- Japan’s generated wind power, monthly data in Terawatt hours/month and as percentage of total electricity generation for 2006 – 2013
- Japan’s wind power potential for different scenarios
- on-shore wind power, off-shore wind power fixed, off-shore wind power floating
- wind power development scenario to 2050
- off-shore wind map
- description of selected wind power projects
- description of selected wind power operating companies
- project approvals and statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- plants connected to the grid and put online statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- Bio-mass development
- installed bio-mass generation capacity: per-July 2012, and monthly data for bio-mass projects approved under the feed-in tariff program from July 2012
- project approvals and statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- plants connected to the grid and put online statistics under the feed-in-tariff (FIT) law until May 31, 2013
- Marine renewable power resources
- Comparison of different marine power sources, including quantitive estimations
- osmotic power development
- Renewable energy investment funds
- Glossary
- Summary
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We produce market research on Japan’s technology markets since 1996. We use the following methods:
- Desk research: public domain data, internet resources
- Official data from Government sources, Government white papers, public domain Government data bases, industry associations, and other trade organizations
- Data from Annual reports and other public disclosures by companies
- “Gray literature”: materials distributed at trade shows, conferences, workshops
- Public presentations, lectures, keynote talks, Press conferences
- Trade shows and events. We regularly visit a large number of trade shows and industry events, mainly in the Tokyo, Osaka areas, but also in US and Europe.
- Interviews, discussions at trade shows, and other industry events
- Cross checking and cross validation of data from different sources.
- Analysis using sophisticated, research grade mathematical and statistical software, and proprietary analysis software developed by Eurotechnology Japan KK.
- Our proprietary data base of industry data, photographs, and information collected since our company foundation in 1996/1997 mainly covering Japan’s electronics, telecommunications and energy industries.
- Our research and analysis staff is mainly PhD level and highly trained and experienced.
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